Sound Bath


6:45-8pm at Casa de Luz, Synergy Room

1701 Toomey Road, Austin, TX 78704

  • Arrive by 6:45

  • Located in the Synergy Workshop Room

  • Text me at 610-717-6050 if you have any trouble finding us

  • Wear comfortable clothing such as joggers/sweats and bring socks or a long shirt.

  • BYO mat & water

  • Edibles provided (optional)

If you’ve never experienced a Sound Bath, well, you’ve got to. These are a really special experience where crystal quartz bowls and other accompanying instruments are utilized to clear away negative energy. We begin with light stretching and meditation to integrate then you can lie down & relax for 60 minutes of sound. You might experience a mix of emotions throughout and the hope is you leave feeling lighter and having more clarity. Casa de Luz is open until 8:30 if you’d like to eat or hangout after.


6:45-8pm at Casa de Luz, Synergy Room

1701 Toomey Road, Austin, TX 78704

  • Arrive by 6:45

  • Located in the Synergy Workshop Room

  • Text me at 610-717-6050 if you have any trouble finding us

  • Wear comfortable clothing such as joggers/sweats and bring socks or a long shirt.

  • BYO mat & water

  • Edibles provided (optional)

If you’ve never experienced a Sound Bath, well, you’ve got to. These are a really special experience where crystal quartz bowls and other accompanying instruments are utilized to clear away negative energy. We begin with light stretching and meditation to integrate then you can lie down & relax for 60 minutes of sound. You might experience a mix of emotions throughout and the hope is you leave feeling lighter and having more clarity. Casa de Luz is open until 8:30 if you’d like to eat or hangout after.

6:45-8pm at Casa de Luz, Synergy Room

1701 Toomey Road, Austin, TX 78704

  • Arrive by 6:45

  • Located in the Synergy Workshop Room

  • Text me at 610-717-6050 if you have any trouble finding us

  • Wear comfortable clothing such as joggers/sweats and bring socks or a long shirt.

  • BYO mat & water

  • Edibles provided (optional)

If you’ve never experienced a Sound Bath, well, you’ve got to. These are a really special experience where crystal quartz bowls and other accompanying instruments are utilized to clear away negative energy. We begin with light stretching and meditation to integrate then you can lie down & relax for 60 minutes of sound. You might experience a mix of emotions throughout and the hope is you leave feeling lighter and having more clarity. Casa de Luz is open until 8:30 if you’d like to eat or hangout after.